BIBO Babysitting | Prague
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BIBO Babysitting

BIBO Babysitting is an in-home babysitting agency that provides long-term and short-term professional babysitting by experienced, trained and multilingual babysitters in the cities of Prague, Brno and Ostrava. Many of the babysitters have international experience as au pairs in Western Europe and North America and all have passed a Red Cross examination. BIBO Babysitting cares for children of all ages 365 days a year and is also able to usher children to and from school or other activities. If you wish to go on holiday or a business trip with a nanny or babysitter, BIBO Babysitting can provide a babysitter to accompany you during your travels. BIBO Babysitting aims to nurture your child’s cognitive and artistic development with safety always coming first! Bibo Babysitting provides its services also at the Bikram Yoga studio in Prague where it takes care for children between one and three years of age.

Opletalova 4, Praha 1, +420 773 262 761,



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